Checking My Implants in Bangkok Thailand Sudden Health Scare


Hey there! Today, I’m going to take you through a recent travel experience of a photographer who had to visit a hospital in Bangkok for a medical issue while on a trip. We’ll delve into the journey, the hospital visit, the medical procedures, and the outcome of the check-up. So, let’s get started!

On the Way to Bangkok

The journey begins with the photographer traveling from Bangan Umbangan to Bangkok, sharing insights into their recent filming schedule and upcoming content on their main channel. Despite facing health concerns, they are en route to a hospital in Bangkok for a medical check-up.

Arrival at the Hospital

Upon reaching the hospital after a 2-hour drive, the photographer experiences a delay in their appointment, leading to an extended wait time. Despite the wait, they share their initial interactions at the hospital and express gratitude for the care received compared to previous hospital visits in Thailand.

Medical Consultation and Procedures

During the consultation, the photographer discusses their chest-related concerns with the doctor, leading to recommendations for a mammogram and ultrasound to assess the situation further. The doctor’s findings suggest possible scar tissue stretching rather than a rupture, providing relief and clarity on the issue.

Outcome and Financial Details

Following the medical procedures, the photographer receives positive news of no evidence of rupture or cancerous lumps, easing their worries. They also share the cost of the visit and procedures, highlighting the importance of investing in health and peace of mind while traveling.

Reflections and Future Plans

Reflecting on the experience, the photographer expresses gratitude for the support received and shares excitement for upcoming travel plans and creative projects with their partner. They end the journey by looking forward to a well-deserved stay at a luxury hotel and embracing the adventures ahead.

Related Questions

1. How did the delay in the photographer’s hospital appointment impact their overall experience?

– The delay in the appointment extended their wait time at the hospital, leading to about a 4-hour stay before the consultation.

2. What were the key findings from the medical procedures, namely the mammogram and ultrasound?

– The doctor found no evidence of rupture or cancerous lumps but noted possible scar tissue stretching, providing a clear diagnosis and relief to the photographer.

3. How did the photographer feel about the cost of the medical visit and procedures?

– Initially considering it expensive, the photographer later acknowledged the value of investing $300 for peace of mind and health assurance while traveling.

4. What were the implications of the doctor’s recommendations for the photographer’s future health care?

– The photographer was advised to consider revisiting for a check-up in two years and potentially plan for implant replacement, prompting them to start saving for future procedures.

5. How did the hospital experience in Thailand differ from the photographer’s previous medical encounters?

– The photographer noted a higher level of care and organization in private hospitals in Thailand compared to public hospitals, emphasizing the benefits of seeking healthcare in the country.

By Kayla